BAP Events

When I think of past events at the airpark, I usually think of fly-in-breakfasts, airshows, and open houses. But there were others gatherings that Tony would hold to promote his pride and joy with the hope of generating sales. He always came up with new ways to increase revenue, and I have piles of notes with his ideas. Here are a few from the BAP archives.

I almost passed over this single page Tony saved from an issue of the Van Dusen Flyer. But, unfortunately, there isn’t a date. So it’s probably from the early 60s.

Page 3, Van Husen Flyer, unknown date

I was unaware that BAP sold a Cessna 180 to the Episcopal Women of America, who donated it to Bishop Bill Gordon of Alaska. If you’re looking for an exciting read, check out “An Angel On His Wing” by Tay Thomas. It’s the story of Bill Gordon, aka “Alaska’s Flying Bishop.”

Tony would host annual Cessna airplane shows where they would showcase the newest model in the Quonset Hanger. In addition, he once held a Halloween party!

June 10, 1960
Tony, second from the right.
Tony, on the right.
Unknown men.
That’s an excellent turnout!

And to top off the list, how about a small wedding reception or New Year’s Eve party in the operations office? Yeah, that happened! And dancing in the Quonset hanger, no problem!

Notice the live band in the background!
Unknown women dancing.
Wow, what a party!
Tony, on the right, and his wife Maxine, next to him.
Some joyous people! Notice the P47 photo on the wall.
More happy people!
Let’s call it a night!

Well, that’s a wrap on this one, and I’ll see you in the next post!

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